A Memorial Workout

In honor of those who died on this day September 11, 2001.

53 degrees, 14 PAX – ScaRU, Knight2F3, Thunder, Turbo, Swish, Towpath, Ghost Rider, Lafayette, Aviator, Wingman, Four Seasons, Mr. Motivator (FNG) and Brisket and Dos Equis, Co-Qs.

This workout was set-up by WallE, but he could not Q it today, so Brisket and Dos jumped in to lead it.

The theme was a 9/11 Memorial Workout to honor the 2977 Americans that died twenty years ago today, due to the tragic events in New York City, the Pentagon, and Shanksville, PA.

2977 victims >= 2977 reps

The Workout.

1) 100 Step Ups (Left leg first)
2) 25 arm circles

3) 25 Tippy taps

4) 25 Windmills

5) 25 Circle Arms

6) 13 Moroccan Night Clubs

7) Motivators to 13 (364)
8) 100 Dips
9) 100 IWs
10) 100 Carolina Dry Docks
11) 100 Big Boy Situps
12) 100 Squats
13) 100 Merkins
14) 100 Turkish Get-ups
15) 100 Hill Billy
16) 100 No Surrenders
17) 100 Mountain Climbers
18) 100 Lunge
19) 100 Bear Crawl
20) 100 Bobby Hurley
21) 100 Hello Dolly
22) 100 H. R. Merkins
23) 100 Bonnie Blairs
24) 100 American Hammers
25) 100 Flutters
26) 100 Freddy Mercury
27) 100 LBC
28) 100 Burpees
29) 100 count Plank circle
30) 50 Left arm up plank; 50 Right Arm up plank
31) 100 Step Ups (Right leg first)

We broke the workout down in groups of 25 reps per exercise, and made a valiant, yet unsuccessful, attempt to complete it, with tag-team of Brisket and Dos leading the exercises.

In the last quarter-hour, we moseyed from the AO to the West Windsor 9/11 Memorial, “Twin Ponds”, where we remembered the community residents who died 0n 9/11/2001: Jeffrey Chairnoff, Michael Cummingham, Peter Mardikian, Patrick Murphy, Edward Pykon, John Ryan, and David Suarez.

And those other individuals we know, whom we also remember on this day.  We honored the efforts of first responders in all capacities, and all the good efforts of volunteers to help their fellow brother or sister.

We closed the COT with a moment of silent tribute.

Countarama, Namearama, and the naming of the FNG. Welcome Mr. Motivator!

Honored to lead,

Dos Equis

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