You Sledder Watch Out!

Written by the “Flexible Flyer” of F3 Princeton, Brisket Backblast: You Sledder Watch Out!Date: 01/31/2022,AO: The Rising PAX: Dick Clark, Aviator, Morpheus, ScarU, Thunder, Risky Business, Photo Finish, and Brisket, QTotal: 8Conditions: 6F and thankfully no wind! Parking lots were still snow covered which was perfect for those beatdown. GMI = 34 Warm-UpMotivators x 10DickClark StretchesLegContinue reading “You Sledder Watch Out!”

Aviator 1st Manniversary + Snow Day

written by Aviator #AAR 1/29/20228 #HIM’s of @F3Princeton met on WINDY/SNOWY/CHILLY  Saturday morning plowing thru 6-8 inch of snow for a 7 AM WORKOUT/SNOWBALL FIGHT/SLEDDING at The Rising (West Windsor Community Park) followed by some fellowship & breakfast at @BagelHole. PAX: Mountie, Dick Clark, Brisket, Munchies, Casbah, ScarU, Cruiser, and Aviator, QHighlights included:  Thank youContinue reading “Aviator 1st Manniversary + Snow Day”

Back Where We Started

Conditions: clear, warm morning (~mid to high 20s) Location: Community Park, West Windsor 12 Pax: WallE, Risky Business, Stones, Thunder, Aviator, Dick Clark, Mountie, Brisket, SideOut, ScarU, Dos Equis, and Casbah, VQ. Disclaimer: standard Warm o rama Arm circles, Circle arms, Abe Vigodas, various stretches Round 1. Mosey around the parking lot to pavilion SideContinue reading “Back Where We Started”

Dick Clark’s “A-One, and A-Two”

Written by Dick Clark, Q. Dick Clark’s “A-one, and a-two…” (Hint: check out the date)Date: 1/12/22AO: RisingPax: 11Conditions: 18°, Clear, GFI = 25, Warm-up: run in place, imperial walkers, side straddle hop, Merkin, stretches. Thang 1:Outbound route 66: squats.Inbound route 66: flutters. Thang 2:Play Lawrence Welk music (“A-one, and a-two…”) and do rounds of Elevens:Continue reading “Dick Clark’s “A-One, and A-Two””

Love the One You’re With

Written by Rodin on the occasion of his VQ 11 degrees F, 25 Pax, GMI = 46 PAX: WallE, Brisket, Morpheus, Swish, ScarU, Knight2F3, Aviator, Wingman, Babe Ruth, Slugger, Cruiser, Black Hole, Dick Clark, Photo Finish, Shredder, The Bishop, Bogey, Side Out, Risky Business, Thunder, Turbo, Dos Equis, Plumb Bob, Tanker (FNG), Rodin, Today weContinue reading “Love the One You’re With”

| 01/10/2022 | Winter Games

PAX: Mulligan, ScarU, Morpheus, PhotoFinish, SideOut, Thunder, DickClark, RiskyBusiness, Aviator, Brisket (Q) SCENE: 30 F with enough wind to make it feel colder (See Pic). Slightly cloudy. WARMUP SSH x 25Mountie Climbers x25Arm circles x10Circle Arms x10 Stretch upStretch forward, arch backFingers under toes, straight leg stretchHip SpreadersRunner’s Stretch each leg Mosey to “Brisket’s Curve”Continue reading “| 01/10/2022 | Winter Games”

Heavy Metal Heart Chargers

Written by Thunder, Q Date: 01/08/2022 Conditions: clear skies, a cool 18 degrees, GFI = 39 Location: West Windsor Community Park PAX: 25 with 1 FNG. Risky Business, Morpheus, Photo Finish, The Bishop (FNG), Plumb Bob, Lafayette, Citron, Side Out, Rodin, Dick Clark, Knight2F3, Heavy Metal, Wing Man, Aviator, Babe Ruth, Slugger, Red Coat, Brisket,Continue reading “Heavy Metal Heart Chargers”

Better to Give Than to Receive

Written by Dick Clark Backblast: Dick Clark’s “Better to give than receive”Date: 1/5/22AO: Rising12 Pax: Aviator, Dos Equis, Brisket, ScarU, Photo Finish, Morpheus, Mulligan, Thunder, Risky Business, CasbahFNG: Stones (Welcome!)Q: Dick ClarkConditions: 28 degrees, drizzle, black ice Warmup: Imperial walkers, run in place, stretches, circle arms, The Thang:We opened the happy Christmas cards in pairsContinue reading “Better to Give Than to Receive”