Q:Brisket PAX: Mountie, Black Hole, DosEquis, Red Stripe, Red Coat, Pharmer, Risky Business Warmup OZ Snow Angels, MCs, SSH, Squats, IWs Thang In celebration of our Nantan’s birthday, a Dos Equis themed beatdown was enjoyed by the men of F3 Princeton. D: Dry Docks x20 O: Outlaw (O Dolly) x20 S: Squats x20 E: ElevensContinue reading “5/30 HBD DosEquis!”
Monthly Archives: May 2020
Memorial Day 2020
A Return to The Rising NJ Governor Phil Murphy signed an executive order increasing capacity limits at parks on Friday, May 22. Nantan Dos Equis reopens The Rising, applying the 6-24 rule. 11 #HIM posted for a hybrid in-person AND virtual workout. Where: The Rising and Zoomland Who: Black Hole (Q), Milky Way (1st inContinue reading “Memorial Day 2020”
Starting Position…Move
Remain durable. Remain resilient. Maintain hope. Stay strong. Stay safe. Stay sane. Dos Equis “Starting Position…Move” is the instruction of the Q to inform the Pax the exercise is about to begin, as taught by Dredd and OBT, the founders of F3Nation, as seen in the video F3: How to Count. Today, New Jersey GovernorContinue reading “Starting Position…Move”
5.11 Annihilation Beatdown
Physics lesson for the day. Annihilation refers to the conversion of matter when it comes in contact with anti-matter to become pure energy via Einstein’s E=mc2. Plugging in the mass of electron (or it’s anti-matter twin, the positron), the speed of light, and some conversion factors, you get 511 keV photons. These are the signalsContinue reading “5.11 Annihilation Beatdown”
Full Circle
It is an honor to post this message from Full Circle, our brother, on this day, 6 May 2020, National Nurses Day. Thank you, Fullest of All Circles, for your work as a Nurse, Nurse Manager, and Operating Room Staff, at North Shore University Hospital, Manhasset, New York. We appreciate you very much. You haveContinue reading “Full Circle”
May the 4th 5/4/2020
And just like that it’s May.. We are still doing virtual workouts but hopefully there is a groove to be discovered (let’s call it the Force) and we are all getting better each day. Like the hero’s journey of every Star Wars episode, our virtual WO started with us being a little lost, trying toContinue reading “May the 4th 5/4/2020”
Fire pit Friday 5/1/2020
Fire Pit Friday, 2nd edition. Hosted by Scar and via zoom.We had 8 F3 Princeton brothers, 1 brother from Long Island, (Full Circle) and 1 FNG from Wisconsin, (Ed), show up for the first VFPF (Virtual Fire Pit Friday)! For all intents and purposes this was a success. We talked building a fire, Star Wars,Continue reading “Fire pit Friday 5/1/2020”