“B” The EMOM

An IronPax Workout (Week 3) Wednesday 9/22: 7 Pax – Mountie, ScaRU, Black Hole, Dick Clark, and Dos Equis Saturday 9/25: 20 Pax – Mountie, Bollywood, Citron, Lafayette, Cruiser, Black Hole, Dick Clark, RedCoat, WallE, Aviator, Wingman, ScaRU, Knight2F3, Towpath, GhostRider, Cumulus, Trailblazer, Swish, Dos Equis, and Priorities of F3 Hampton Roads. This backblast coversContinue reading ““B” The EMOM”

Just A Workout

Backblast by Thunder. Workout on Mon 9/13/21. Conditions: clear skies, 70 degrees Location: West Windsor Community Park, 6 PAX: Aviator, Photo Finish, Dick Clark, Cumulus, Turbo, Thunder (Q), Disclaimer: Modify as necessary. Not a professional. Suggestions only. Don’t sue anyone. Aye Dick Clark shared his experiences from the Blue Ridged Relay as well as theContinue reading “Just A Workout”

Blue Ridge Relay, Sept. 2021

When: Sept. 9-11, 2021Where: Blue Ridge Mountains, NC Who: 2 Vans, 12 Pax: Defib, Blackhole, Mountie, Dick Clark, Lowes (Super Q), G-ray, Cruiser, Dreamer, Compass, Dial Up, Mulligan and Red Coat. The Warm Up: As Mike Tyson said, “Everyone has a plan until you get punched in the face”. Well I gotta say that ClayContinue reading “Blue Ridge Relay, Sept. 2021”