F3 Martian Park

Where: West Windsor Community Park. Below 60 degrees and steady rain. 13 Pax- Pharmer, Aviator (birthday boy!), Swish, Cruiser, Brisket, Wall-E, Trooper (Q2.0), ScaRU, Ribs, Lafayette, Risky Business, Scar2K and Mountie (Q1.0). What: The community park’s set up a scavenger hunt in the local parks ( https://westwindsornj.org/martian) and it doesn’t take much for F3 PrincetonContinue reading “F3 Martian Park”

10 For the Hill (aka Risky’s Nightmare)

PAX: Risky Business (Q), Mountie, ScarU, Thunder, Aviator, Brisket After roughly 8 months since his last Q and subsequent injury/recovery, Risky Business stepped up to the plate to Q this AMs workout. The expectation would be that if Risky was Q’ing, then there would be moseying. What inspired today’s workout, was a reflection back almostContinue reading “10 For the Hill (aka Risky’s Nightmare)”

Gotta have faith..

Weather: 45 degrees #AAR 05/8/21 @ The Rising (Community Park). 16 PAX of F3 Princeton (Dos Equis, Brisket, Ribs, Mountie, ScarU, Lafayette, BlackHole, MilkyWay, DickClark, Aviator, Tyson, Cruiser, RedCoat, Hacksaw, Pharmer) for a workout Q’d by AVIATOR (aka Manish Bhansali). FAITH HAS TWO BASIC MEANINGS:  THE FIRST IS COMPLETE CONFIDENCE IN A PERSON OR PLANContinue reading “Gotta have faith..”