
News and Notes from “The Rising” workout, F3 Princeton, and the F3 Nation

Coming Up … Wednesday, 1 January, 0515 hrs: No F3 Workout this day.
Wednesday, 1 January: F3 Guys from Philly, Villanova, and Valley Forge are rucking at Valley Forge National Park. Dos Equis can connect you with the organizers if you are interested in it.Thursday, 2 January, 0515 hrs:  ***Special Workout to start the New Year*** Q: Risky BusinessThursday, 2 January: No SOT on this day.Saturday, 4 January, 0630 hrs: Workout, Q: Steam

Saturday, 4 January – Another option…The F3 Harrisburg Convergence7 am, Reservoir Park, Harrisburg, PAWorkout + The Pennsylvania Farm Show + 2nd F pub stop at Appalachian Brewing CompanyACTION: Dos Equis is going.  Let him know if you want to join him.
 Let’s support our brother Steam and Attitudes in Reverse.Mission StatementCheck out the website.= For new guys to F3:Welcome to F3!10 Steps for the New Guy in F3 = I am traveling.  Where can I find a F3 Workout?Look here.Another thing to consider – Be a Down Range Q at the Workout you are attending. = What the heck are they talking about?F3 Lexicon = I am trying to remember how to do a Peter ParkerF3 Exercises = Please give strong consideration to joining the @F3Princeton community on Twitter. It has become the fastest way to make immediate connections to the High Impact Men of F3 Princeton, and many of our brothers in surrounding AO’s (Areas of Operation)  @F3Four  @F3WallE  @F3DosEquis  @F3Steam @marcrubyDPT @wjasongriffith @F3Magellan  @kevinholden @F3BlackHole  @Hopsusa  @getsri28 @F3Munchies would enjoy the pleasure of your company.  We welcome @F3smokey1 Twitter = Check out F3 Podcasts– 43 Feet.  A leadership podcast featuring Dredd and Dark Helmet.  They also solve the problems of the world.- Roundtable.  A podcast, not a call.  Our mentor and Launch Q, Cspan of F3 Philly does great interviews with a wide variety of F3 brothers.–> Check out this podcast as Slaughter gives an F3 Nation Update.= and =- Pick up the Six.  Hello Kitty of F3 “blotting out the sun in” Carpex (Cary and Apex, NC) shares with the world the brothers he encounters with their amazing stories. =  FIA, Females in Action, is the female equivalent of F3. FIA WebsiteACTION:  Please submit to me names and email address contact info of women who may be interested in something like this.  Also, please suggest possible organizers who could take this on.  Thanks. =
The Holiday Event:It hasn’t happened yet.A couple of Ideas.- An evening with the brothers and M’s at the Rocky Hill Inn.  They have an upstairs room that would work well for us.- A Sunday afternoon with the brothers and families at the Hopewell Valley Vineyards. Black Hole and I were there recently, and we think this venue would work well, too.No set time or date yet, (sometime in January?)ACTION: Give me your thoughts, ideas, and suggested date for this one.  Arise is your newsletter.  Please send me items you want the brothers to know, so I can put it in next emailing. = A suggestion from F3 Valley Forge:  Road ID Tag ($20)Accidents happen far more than you think they do. Each year approximately 450,000 of us are taken to hospitals unconscious and without identification.  If you were to get injured during one of our dark, early morning workouts, would we know who to contact?   Consider an identification tag like this one you can attach to your shoe.  = Additional Order for F3Princeton items.See our previous order to F3Mudgear, and get back to me if there are items that are of interest to you.  We need a minimum of 12 items to place an F3Princeton Mudgear order.ACTION: Let Dos Equis know what you are interested in.

All the best to you,Your brother, Dos Equis =Curtis

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