Inauguration Day

The PAX arrived early for a dark, slightly snowy inauguration themed workout with temperatures in the low 30s.

PAX: Scar, RedCard, DickClark, PhotoFinish, Mulligan, Mountie, DosEquis with Brisket on Q.


Arm across stretch
Arm over stretch
Hip Spreaders
DownDog Heel Plant
Plank Lunge Stretch
Tippy Taps x10
IWs x10

Mosey Tennis Court
Riskys (Heart Chargers) x2

Temporary rename in honor of the HIM who first showed me this exercise. Second round was a surprise which caused some grumbling from the PAX.



YHC tried to find 45’s favorite workout, but could only find a quote.

“I get exercise. I mean I walk, I this, I that, I run over to a building next door. I get more exercise than people think.”

45 DJT

Walk: Lunge Walk across 1 tennis court

This: Burpee King x10

  • Mosey to TC Benches

That: Kentucky Fried Chicken Peckers x10

Run to building next door: Mosey to Coliseum

Inauguration Day

American Hammers x20

Raise your right hand: Bobby Hurleys x10

Hand on the Bible: Offset Merkins x10


4+6 = 10: Bodybuilders

4*6 = 24: Dips

40-6 = 34: Freddy Ms

4/6 = .66 Repeating (Get on your 6 and repeat a brotractor for each PAX)


War Hammers x10
– BBSUx1 AHx4

Wall Sit for 30 count while enjoying the view on a beautiful new day.


Relief, Hope, Opportunity are a few words that came to mind when thinking about today. Encouraged the PAX to use this positivity during daily interactions online and in person.

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