Billy Madison, back to school

Where & when: West Windsor Community Park, The Rising, on the first day of May

Who: 14 Pax for ScarU, Scar2k, Looney Toons, Aviator, Tyson, Mulligan, Risky Business, Dick Clark, Hacksaw, Cruiser, Mountie (Q), Brisket, Ribs and Swish

I was reminded again this week that our kids are growing and time is flying by way too quickly. Looking back into the backblast history, I was curious to see what we did last May 1st. Turns out it was one of our first F3 Princeton Firepit Fridays where half of us were on zoom. A few clicks later and I was reading over Full Circle’s guest appearance in Princeton and the Billy Madison beatdown he brought to us (click here).

So on this beautiful May Day, the plan is to once again work through 13 “years” of exercises.

Warm it up-
circle arms and arm circles
greatest stretch ever
motivators – starting at 8th grade

The Thang-

13 years, 13 reps with a mosey around the parking lot for each summer break.

We did separate high school, so only repeating 9-12 at the end.

1Squat (sumo, ski style, and queen style)
2Merkins (terrible twos)
3Am Ham (american hammers)
5Lunge (Rib’s second favorite)
6Shoulder Taps
7Plank Jack
9 Imperial Walkers
10Big boi situps
11Carolina Dry docks
12Flying squirrels and boat/canoes to close it out

Not sure if this link will work, but it’s a nice little graduation video to remember all the years..

It was a beautiful day with no gloom or clouds, thanks for letting me lead and keep showing up!

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