
Cloudy, 65 degrees, dry.
5 Pax: Aviator, Thunder, Mountie, Photo Finish, and Dick Clark on Q

Written by Dick Clark:

As we gathered together, Dick Clark described how several of the F3 Princeton Pax had a great weekend of fellowship and golf in Delaware over the weekend. The weekend was so good, it was sinful—or at least it felt that way. So, for this Monday workout we explored the concept of absolution. First, Dick Clark defined the term—Absolution: formal release from guilt, obligation, or punishment.

For absolution, first you have to sin. We sinned in various measures this weekend, so our warm-ups gave us time to contemplate what those sins might (or might not) have been.

Warm Up

  • Side straddle hops x20
  • Stretch
  • Imperial Walker x20
  • Tippy-tap x20

Thang 1 – Then we moseyed, to begin our journey to absolution. Dick Clark mentioned that for absolution, first we must SINCERELY ask forgiveness. To explore the depths of our sincerity, we would start each exercise, then after Photo Finish did a few reps, he would mosey down along the trails or across the fields. The Pax would finish the reps, then sprint to catch up with Photo. Then we would do the next exercise. Exercises were:

  • Gas pumps x10 – start LBC, straighten legs, back to LBC
  • Lunges x30
  • Dry docks x30
  • Russian Twists x30
  • Merkins x30
  • Absolution x10 – 8-count exercise: start in plank, then jump feet up like burpee, then back, then down to elbows one at a time, then plank jack, then up off elbows.
  • Jump Squats x30
  • Hand Release Merkins x40
  • Angry Chair x10 – squat with 8-count hold at bottom

Thang 2 – After our last exercise, we arrived at the Coliseum. DC pointed out: now that we know our quest is sincere, someone else must grant forgiveness —so, we must demonstrate our worthiness. What better way than with a Tabata sequence? 30 seconds exercise, 30 seconds rest, for the following exercises:

  • Bonnie Blairs x20
  • Gas pumps x30
  • Burpees x10
  • Mountain Climbers x30

We moseyed back to the Flag for the MARY . DC noted that once you receive your absolution, it is good to have a sense of gratitude. How better to achieve gratitude than with the Mary?

Plank Jacks x10

Boat- canoes

COT: All kidding aside, after a weekend of fellowship, it is a very positive sign if you are wondering if you had TOO good a time—that was so much fun, we feel bad for leaving our families for a day to do it. But really, that feeling should be gratitude, not guilt. We are grateful that we have brothers at F3 we can spend some valuable time with and have some laughs, before we come back to the reality of Monday. But we are stronger for it—no absolution needed.

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