Hill-Ten (Twenty)

A Workout by Risky Business, Q, on Saturday, 3/12/22

18 Pax: Pharmer, Dos Equis, Ishmael, Brisket, Heavy Metal, Ghost Rider, Towpath, RedCoat, Dick Clark, Morpheus, Munchies, Photo Finish, Thunder, Babe Ruth, Slapshot (FNG) High Note (FNG). and Risky Business, Q.


Agitators [An F3 Princeton re-name of “Motivators”]
Dick Clark Stretches
Arm Circles (IC x 10)
Circle Arms (IC x 10)

Mosey to the Pavillion 

The Thang – Hill-Ten
Partner 1: Run to top of the hill and return
Partner 2: Complete the exercise, until Partner 1 returns, rinse and repeat

Part Uno

  1. Burpees
  2. LBCs
  3. Merkins 
  4. American Hammers
  5. Derkins
  6. Flutters
  7. Incline Merkins
  8. Hello Dolly’s 
  9. Dips
  10. Imperial Walkers  

10 Count Breathing lead by Wall-E

Part Dos

  1. Mountie Climbers
  2. Step-Ups
  3. Freddie Mercury’s
  4. Side Straddle Hopkins [An F3 Princeton re-name of Side Straddle Hops, in honor of Brisket, Matt Hopkins]
  5. Squats
  6. Lunges
  7. Peter Parker’s
  8. Apollo Ohno
  9. Bobby Hurley’s
  10. Planks  Regular

Boat Canoes

Nameorama, Countorama

Pray for the Pax continue to be solid husbands, fathers, friends, neighbors, employees, and a positive light to others who are going through tough times.

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