Starting Position…Move

Remain durable. Remain resilient. Maintain hope. Stay strong. Stay safe. Stay sane.

Dos Equis

“Starting Position…Move” is the instruction of the Q to inform the Pax the exercise is about to begin, as taught by Dredd and OBT, the founders of F3Nation, as seen in the video F3: How to Count.

Today, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy in an Executive Order is allowing for small groups no greater than 25 persons to gather outside, continuing the practices of social distancing (minimum 6 feet apart), and wearing masks in public.  Our last workout in public was on 20 March 2020.

Beginning Monday, 25 May 2020, and for the F3 Princeton workouts of that week, we will have live workouts in person at the West Windsor Community Park, as well as offer the workouts on ZOOM, for those pax who would prefer to do it that way at this time.

Starting Position…Move

Some Guidelines

  • This will be a one week trial period, with evaluation after the workout on Saturday, 30 May 2020.
  • Bring mask and gloves.
  • Maintain social distance through the entire workout, and count-a-rama, name-a-rama, and circle of trust.
  • It is easy to do this during the workout in the parking lot, with pax on alternating lines (that’s 18’-20’ apart.)
  • We will follow the 6-24 rule, staying minimally 6 feet apart, and not being a group of greater than 24 persons.  If the group is greater than 24 persons, we will split the group into two workouts and two Circles of Trust.
  • There will be no sharing of coupons.  The Q will inform the pax ahead of time if coupon is needed for the planned workout.
  • If you are sick, or have been around anyone who is sick, please do not post in person.

The above precautions are in line with the recommendations of the CDC and our local community.

Our mission is to plant, grow, and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership.  We are a leadership organization and we should lead by example. We ask that you take these guidelines seriously.  Public perception is important and critical to the success of our Mission.  We don’t want to be perceived as reckless and risk harming F3’s image in the community. That will limit our ability to bring more men into F3.  These guidelines are necessary to enable us to stay on Mission and get back to normal as fast as possible.     

Please be smart and respectful of other PAX, other members in the Community, and our local leaders.   There are men on all ends of the COVID19 spectrum and we want to enable an environment where we can all workout together while guys keep the individual well-being of their family in mind.  Safety First.  

There has always been a risk when you post to a workout.  Hence, the F3 disclaimer that you hear at each workout.  Disclaimer: We are not professionals, this is a free workout, each pax participates at his own risk, modify as needed.   We acknowledge that there is a new risk we all face, COVID-19.  Again, each man assumes his own risk when he posts.     

If you or one of your loved ones is hurting financially, physically, emotionally, spiritually, etc. please reach out. All of us have been there at one time or another, and that is part of what our community is all about. Do not let yourself become isolated. We are here to lean on each other. 

Finally – make it a point to check on guys you haven’t heard from in a while, we need to pull guys back into the gloom that have fallen out of their normal routines.  Now is also the time to headlock FNGs since their gyms will be closed for several more weeks. The virtual workouts will stay live as long as we have Qs and men that need it.  

Let us plant ourselves back in the Gloom.

Let us promote the much needed growth for ourselves and others.

Let us serve the greater community.  

Remain durable. Remain resilient. Maintain hope. Stay strong. Stay safe. Stay sane.

The Gloom belongs to us. See you there.

Looking forward to invigorating male community leadership with you,

Your brother,

Dos Equis



Credit: @F3Metro, @F3Greensboro… and in the best practices tradition of the F3 Nation – acknowledged, stolen, and used.

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