Staycation @ the HillTen


Risky Business (Q), Aviator, Wingman (FNG), Towpath, Ghost Rider (FNG), Mountie, Pharmer, Photo Finish, Wee Wah, Roddick (F3 DC), Brisket, Cruiser, Guts, Lyft, Tim Horton, Red Coat, Dos Equis, Dick Clark (DR – via Zoom)

On this 4th of July weekend, 18 PAX decided to put their trust in Risky Business to guide them on a trip around the F3 Princeton AO and culminating with a visit to the “Hill Ten”, aka the Hilton. 

Upon delivering the disclaimer, the PAX got down to Business (no pun intended)

Warm Up:

Arm Circles x 10

Circle Arms x 10

Tippy Taps x 10

Windmills x 10

Motivators (10 IC)

The Thang:

Route 66 with Merkins at every other tree (starting at 10 and counting down)

Mosey to the Basketball Court 

Cruiser: “Why are going to the basketball court, when we don’t have a basketball?” 

YHC: “Drills, Cruiser, drills! We must work on drills, before we play basketball!”

Heart Chargers x 3 – almost an expectation when YHC is Q

Mountie provided a nice and slow 10 count

The Pax of 18 moseyed steeplechase style from basketball court towards the amphitheater 

(steeplechase style: in a line, leader goes a few steps, drops to the ground, rest of pax hops over, and rest of the pax continues)

The Hill Ten – with a partner, starting at the amphitheater, partner runs to the top of green helmet and returns, the other partner does an exercise until his partner returns. Rinse and repeat x 10.

  1. Burpees
  2. Squats
  3. Merkins
  4. LBCs
  5. Derkins (downward merkins, feet raised)
  6. American Hammers
  7. Incline Merkins
  8. Freddie Mercury’s 
  9. Mountie Climbers
  10. Flutters

Since we had visiting pax from DR, Wee Wah from Reading, PA commented that, “I am giving this Hilton, a terrible review.” 

Upon completion of the Hill Ten, Brisket provided a much needed 10-count.


  • Cobra
  • Downward dog
  • Left arm up
  • Right arm up
  • Left leg up
  • Right leg up

Mosey to shovel flag


YHC delivered a message of encouragement to the men who showed up, encouraging up to be better, husbands, fathers, friends, neighbors, and employees, and that we each to our gifts to better the world around us!

F3 Princeton Saturday workouts have become popular with 2.0s in attendance. This morning, we welcome two FNG / 2.0s, with Aviator’s 2.0 (Wingman) and Tow Path’s 2.0 (Ghost Rider). 

After being away for most of June with work related travel, YHC was glad to be back, leading PAX with a solid workout. Grateful for the brotherhood that is F3 and those that came to visit, as they were passing through (Roddick from F3 The Capital (DC), and Wee Wah from Reading, PA). 

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