The Arise
Nov. 16, 2020
8 Paxs- Dos, Foto Finish, Dick Clark, Wall-E, Checkmate, Brisket, Scar-U, Mountie(Q).
It was a _____indescribable______ [ adjective] November morning at the ____basketball court__ [ favorite Q location]. ____Risky Business____ [ Q member] was the Q and was ready to deliver a __crazy_____ [ adjective]
___running_______ [ verb] to the PAX.
The theme for today is ___stripped____________ [ adjective]____green______ [ color]____baskets_______ [ plural noun].
But first we _____merkin’ing_________ [verb], warm-up and stretch…
Warm-up & Stretch-
_____arms_______ [ BodyPart] for 10 count
_____core________ [ BodyPart] for 10 count
_____thighs______ [ BodyPart] for 10 count
_____toes________ [ BodyPart] for 10 count
_____ears________ [ BodyPart] for 10 count
_____kidney______ [ BodyPart] for 10 count
_____Agitators __[ f3 cardio activity] to warm-up
next up, The Thang-
Round 1
Mosey to the _____Green Helmet________ [ 1st Arise location]
11 x ______NYC______ [ Place] +__anti- Sheep___ [ Farm Animal]+ ___tap dancers_ [ dance move]
14 x ______burpees________ [ F3 exercise]
20 x ______lounge acts_____ [ F3 exercise]
Repeat twice
Round 2
Mosey to the ______tennis courts__________ [ 2nd Arise location]
__3_____ [ earliest birthdate] x__carolina dry docks_____ [ favorite F3 upper-body exercise]
__28_____ [ latest birthdate] x___plank_______________ [ favorite F3 core exercise]
__14____ [ closest birthdate] x___lunges__________________ [ favorite F3 leg exercise]
Repeat thrice.
Round 3
Mosey to the ___Colosseum____________ [ 3rd Arise location]
AMRAP x_____dips________________ [ favorite F3 upper-body exercise]
AMRAP x_____lbcs_____________ [ favorite F3 core exercise]
AMRAP x_____step-ups_____________ [ favorite F3 leg exercise]
while the pace car does __SSHs________ [ favorite moving exercise] and sings __Thriller_______________ [ famous song].
Repeat 4x
Return to the flag by _COT__ [ f3 activity ] _____3_____[ number < 5] times, every ____15________ [ number between 10 and 20] while we ______grapevine_______ [ moving exercise] (?)
I hope you’re ______tired___________ [ feeling] while doing the ___cold_______ [ adjective] _____red______ [ color]____places________ [ plural noun].
MoM and COT to close.
Stretching – arms, back, forearmsBoat-Canoes with a little kayaking.
‘Key to success is to keep showing up.’
Thank you my F3 brothers for always showing up.