BackBlast for Saturday, March 27, 2021 11 PAX (RedCoat, DosEquis, Cruiser, Mulligan, Ribs, Brisket, Aviator, DickClark, Smokey, RedCard, WallE) 4 Zoom (Shamwow, Milky Way, BlackHole and FNG – last 3 from the soft launch of F3 Rosedale @ Pennington) WarmUp:Tippy Taps, Mountain Climbers, WindMills. Thang 1:Pearls on a String. Ran around the AO with stops (IC,Continue reading “Mental Battle”
Tag Archives: Backblast
5/30 HBD DosEquis!
Q:Brisket PAX: Mountie, Black Hole, DosEquis, Red Stripe, Red Coat, Pharmer, Risky Business Warmup OZ Snow Angels, MCs, SSH, Squats, IWs Thang In celebration of our Nantan’s birthday, a Dos Equis themed beatdown was enjoyed by the men of F3 Princeton. D: Dry Docks x20 O: Outlaw (O Dolly) x20 S: Squats x20 E: ElevensContinue reading “5/30 HBD DosEquis!”