The Rising of Milky Way

9 #HIM posted for a hybrid in-person AND virtual workout.

Where: The Rising and Zoomland

Who: Milky Way (VQ), Black Hole, Mountie (Zoom from Jersey Shore), Brisket, Dos Equis, Scar, Risky Business, WallE (Zoom), and Focus Factor (Zoom) [As Dos pointed out, 3 parts of Jersey were represented: Central, North, and the Shore!]

Mountie leaving a mark on the sands of Brigantine, NJ

Disclaimer: along with the usual, adding 1) the fact that we’re not teenagers, so modify as needed and 2) don’t sue him as YHC is financially responsible.

Warmups: in the parking lot

  • Imperial Squat Walkers ICx10
  • SSH ICx10
  • Arm Circles ICx10
  • Circle Arms ICx10
  • Tippy Taps ICx10
  • Windmills ICx10


15s (mod of 11s) on the soccer field: LBCs & SSHs

ALARM1: Wide Arm Merkins ICx15 (Arms), Squat Jumps OYOx15 (Legs), Am Hammer ICx15 (Abs), Rosalita ICx15, Mountie Climbers ICx15

ALARM2: Hand-Release Merkin ICx15 (Arms), Smurf Jacks ICx15 (Legs), Fluttas ICx15 (Abs), Ranger Merkins ICx15, (mosey to bleachers), Mario (double box jump) ICx15, (mosey back to flag)

[Can you guess how old Milky Way is turning?]

Risky Business providing energy and motivation to PAX moseying to bleachers for some Marios

Cooldown: Down-dog, Seal (aka Up-dog), Plank variations (regular, right arm up, left arm up, right leg up, left leg up), all 10 count

Boat Canoes

Strava trace: 0.93 miles

Count-o-rama, Name-o-rama.


YHC is super proud of MW’s leadership today! As XX said, “Stellar job!”

Milky Way and YHC
In-person PAX
Zoom PAX


YHC, Black Hole

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