Exterminator VQ

One of the strengths of F3 is the peer led aspect always leads to new and different workouts. It’s been a while since most of us broke into full sprints, but like bugs fleeing for safety, we ran as fast as we could to try and escape, but the Exterminator had other plans. Great VQ, my friend. – Mountie

Written by Exterminator-

Where: Arise, 37 degrees
Pax (10): Black Hole, Dos, Trail-Blazer, Scar U, Foto Finish, Mountie, Exterminator (Q), Six String, Dick Clark, Check Mate!!

Leg Stretches (seems innocent enough)

The Thang-
Mosey to soccer field – 
100 yard sprint east
100 yard sprint west

Mosey to center field
Ring of Fire – 10x shoulder taps rotating while one pax counted, everyone else held their planks. Happy Planksgiving!

Mosey to start of field
100 yard sprint east
100 yard sprint west
Box breathing 
100 yard duck walk

Mosey to center field
Bruce Lee (American hammer, then leg lifts, lbcs and the last exercise was dying cockroach!)

Mosey to start of field –
Forest meets the sea…
100 yards east (50 yards bear crawl, 50 yards crabwalk)
100 yard sprint west

Pair into 2s – catch me if you can
Pax 1 Mosey’s backwards, Pax 2 does 15 lbc’s and then catches if they can.
Switch and rinse repeat for the length of the field and back.

Mosey to center field 
Ring of fire – Alphabet soup (Spell your name with leg raisers) while the rest of the pax celebrates Planksgiving!

3 minutes of Mary – Freddie Mercury (never heard of him)

Speak to gratitude – we spent a few minutes each pax sharing what he is thankful for (which is plenty).
Announcements- all the F3 plans for the weekend, check the emails and be safe!

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