News and Notes from the F3 Princeton AOs, and the F3 Nation
Shout Outs!
Shout Out to Spoke Wrench for showing up for the first time at the Big House!
Shout Out to Cruiser & Black Hole for completing the Marine Corps marathon in Washington DC this weekend!
Shout Out to Styx for hosting F3 Family Day at The Rising this past Saturday.
Shout Out to Black Hole and Milky Way for posting OTB in San Diego

Shout out to Zelda for sharing this article on dopamine and addiction related to the Richard Reeves call.
Shout Out to Dos for sharing this article on a men’s fitness group that started in the Bronx call ‘Motivational Mondays’
Primary Announcements
Richard Reeves on “The Next 43 Feet” Podcast – Zoom Replay
Missed the call or couldn’t join? Catch the replay here.

Atlantic City Marathon Reflections

A few lessons learned from completing the Atlantic City 2024!
The journey began probably in May or June when our Brother @Achilles Estavillo (SideOut/JabJab/Scorpion King) committed to running his first marathon. Of course I was impressed, a few weeks went by and then I started to get an itch….an itch to support my Brother as he went through this journey.
Lesson #1: Know what motivates you
Most people who know me know that I am social creature and the friendship with him, motivated me to support him, even if it meant training and running a marathon!Lesson #2: Set a goal, have an awesome accountability partner
The next part was the training, around 4 months of 3-4 x a week running….what a journey, (the training is the journey, the actual marathon!) Achilles put together a training program based on Hal Higdon, the vaunted marathon runner/trainer. We created a spreadsheet, put in our runs and gradually increased our weekend long run. I’ve always been more consistent with my training when a goal is set. For me, it has always been an “event goal” that has kept me on the path. I couldn’t have done this without Side Out! He was such an amazing training partner- consistent, positive, detail-oriented and motivating.Lesson #3: Anything is possible
Listen, the honest truth is that I am an average athlete. Yes, I work out a ton but in terms of athletic ability, I have never been. in the upper echelon. Crossing the finish line, it hit me that we can do so much more than our brains allow us to think we can. So going back to #2, set a GOAL, whatever it is, and take small steps, (micro-goals), to get there. Tell a friend or brother to hold you accountable. ANYTHING is POSSIBLE!A HUGE thank you to all my brothers from F3 Princeton! This doesn’t happen without THIS supportive community that we are blessed to have! I could list names, but it would be ALL of you here. Let’s keep motivating each other to new heights!
Been couple of days and I have been pondering what to add to @Marc Rubenstein (ScarU) lesson learned…
The ‘journey’ started because I needed to challenge myself with a running goal before I go over the hill. I wanted to have a full marathon achievement (bling they say). My father was a marathoner why can’t I have a bling that says “Finisher”? But I did not have any desire until…
Lesson 1: Motivators
Y’ALL are what keeps me motivated to keep running & showing up. I will not be where I am in running without Y’ALL. I still remember my first Run with Risky. Mid-December 2021 month; cold and dark. I kept telling to myself, “why did I even reach out to @W. Jason Griffith F3 Risky Business?” This running is terrible and is not my thing. But no one left my side and just ran in front or behind me chatting me up and get info out of me. I got to .5mi and I wanted to just turn around. The encouraging words, camaraderie, support kept me to get to Plainsboro traffic light the back to the park. Fast forward…And when the day came and ScaRU told me he signed up because I motivated him, I knew I cannot quit this marathon goal anymore. I have to push through. I motivated someone!!!Lesson 2: Goal Setting / Accountability
Again, our goal was to complete this ‘journey’. We have to prove it to ourselves that we can do this. No turning back. And that we did by constant text or phone chat on what training run program to follow & how we will do this. Once we decided on the program of 15 weeks 3-4 days/week we had to make sure we are accountable and kept each other honest. There were times that our schedules did not jive and we had to run solo. After running solo we texted and let each other know that we did do a run. Or when one is busy with personal activities/duties, feeling lazy, tired, &/or exhausted, we adjusted & looked for another day &/or time to run. But we made sure that we did the run.Lesson 3:Anything possible with careful preparation & planning…
Know what you’ll need to prepare for meals & running attire. You have to say to yourself, “I am on a Mission Possible.” Like ScaRU mentioned, “set a goal”. Build up on that goal. Our main “mission possible” was to cross the finish line and get our pay which we still have to earn. I had anxiety & concern about the allotted 6hrs time, but after all the training and ScaRU telling me “WE GOT THIS!”, 6hrs is nothing. When we got to mile 18, I told ScaRU that my secret goal of crossing the finish line is that I don’t want to give up drinking adult beverages for a year. We both already did not drink any adult beverages for a week leading to the marathon. And I already gave up soda 2 1/2 yrs ago. We had to be finishers!!! Also, what I found out, NO “WALL” on the race route. Lots of traffic cones, but NO “WALL”. Your brain is the “WALL”. Tell your legs, “Shut up Legs, You’re fine!” I asked ScaRU to tape up my right foot, even though not hurting, before we headed out to the starting line due to plantar fasciitis came back before Ragnar event. I told him just in case, and during the run, I did not feel any pain. After crossing finish, I honestly felt I had lots of energy to burn and I can run another 5miles. Anything is Possible.I second ScaRU, HUGE THANKS to Y’ALL! You’re Positive Energy, Support, Motivation, Encouragement, Kick in the Behind; we fed on these during the run…THANKS PAX BROTHERS!
F3 Accelerate 2024: Paused for now
Thank you to all the PAX who donated to F3 Accelerate 2024! Please see the message below from Dark Helmet (F3 Nation’s Nan’tan) on the reason why the campaign is paused as we support those who have been impacted by the storms over the last couple months.
BLUF: Read on, but we are contacting you to VAPE the desire to rethink where we are giving and directing resources in a time of great need in our country. We hope you will join us in the effort.
As an example, at this point, you have likely heard that just a few weeks ago on Sept 26, and then shortly after on Oct 9, two major hurricanes hit the US causing destruction and loss that will likely take years to total. Some of the hardest hit areas were Western
North Carolina, Eastern Tennessee, parts of Georgia, the Gulf side of Florida and likely many others that I am not able to think of right off the top of my head as I write this. Suffice it to say, I have been seeing reports from those areas and the work that is being done by communities, and by our F3 men, to try and clean up the devastation, to provide basic needs of daily life (including food and water), and to restore power and hope to the residents of these areas. I’ve seen pictures and
heard accounts of hundreds of F3 men working alongside agencies and local residents around the clock to collect needed resources to serve those communities. With news cycles being what they are, it’s also easy to let some of these things pass out of our attention.So, I’m contacting all of us now for a few reasons:
One, to bring this (and any other local issues you might be seeing where you are) plight back to the top of our collective consciousness and rally us again to keep going. In the case of the Southeast US, there are still thousands upon thousands without power, nearly 100
still missing in NC, and a LONG way to go as we head into winter months.Two, as you also are hopefully aware, we’re in the middle of our annual fundraising efforts for F3, the Accelerate Campaign. You men, despite being pulled in a lot of directions, have been incredibly generous in giving to F3 Nation, this movement that means so much to all of us. We’re doing well overall. We are a little behind our goal, sure, but that’s NOT why I am writing. I’m sending
this communication because we’ve decided to pause all Accelerate Campaign fundraising until the end of this year, when we will reassess how to proceed. We want to remove any conflict you might have in your heart about where to send resources. Send your resources to affected areas, whether the SE or local to you. Find organizations (contact local Pax to find out who) to donate to. Be a HIM. Be generous. Feed families. Clean properties. Organize yourselves in your regions and find ways to help. Leave no one behind. If you need help on finding who to contact or how to get started, contact your local leadership team, Nant’an, Area Qs, or Sector Qs that are local to the problem. Slack is going to probably be your best resource for that.Accelerate 2024 Fundraising is paused for now. If you have any questions or concerns on this please let us know.
Dark Helmet
Wait… there’s an F4??
F4 (Fitness, Fellowship and Faith for Females) has kicked off in Texas. If your M is looking to get out in the gloom, drop a message in Slack.
VO2 Max Testing – 11/2 – 7:00 am @ WWP-HSS Track
I’d like to organize a workout to estimate VO2 max, which is perhaps the single best predictor of longevity (see attached paper). VO2 max is formally measured in a lab (usually on a treadmill or bike), which can cost $250+ and take weeks to schedule. It can be estimated using the Cooper Test, in which you run hard for 12 minutes or 1.5 miles, and the Rockport Test, in which you walk briskly for 1 mile (this requires measuring heart rate). We would run on the WWP-HSS track or another 400m track. Would a morning on the weekend of Oct 12-13 or Oct 26-27 work?
Hopewell Meadows Miler – 11/2
Heads up – hold the date: Nov 2 Saturday Meadows Miler 5k/10k trail run tabling opportunity. I will get us a spot in the vendor village like in past years. And also do a special WO at The Retreat ahead of time.
Diwali Celebration – 11/3 – 5:30pm – Hosted by Munchies

If you’re available, make sure you sign up here so Munchies can get a head count!
Burlington Pop Up Workout – Saturday, 11/9 – 7am
Stay tuned for more details…
Princeton Half Marathon – 11/10: 7am Start

Come and cheer on the F3 Princeton PAX running this hilly half!
Hitchcock’s Movie Night – 11/15: 6:30pm @ Home of Styx
Murder is Calling! and It will be in 3D!
@Hitchcock (Randy Sherman) Presents
Alfred Hitchcock’s Dial M For Murder, In 3D!
Friday November 15th, 6:30 PM.
Please, Please, Please! RSVP, so we can make sure we have enough 3D Glasses.Location @Erik Cabral (Styx) 30 Milburne Lane, Robbinsville, NJ
All is invited.If you have Active 3D Glasses we can borrow. Please contact me.
Thank you.
Downrange PAX
Posting at another F3 location is know as posting “downrange”. If you’re traveling, check out the #downrange channel on the F3Nation Slack for opportunities to meet up with brothers all around the world.
F3 Princeton Region SLT Updates
Catch up with the latest news around the F3 Nation with the following Podcasts.
The COT: News of the Nation Podcast
Stuff Worth Trying Podcast
F3 Nation YouTube Chanel
1st F – Fitness
This week’s schedule & Qs
🚨 Beatdown Safety Reminders 🚨
“As a follow-up, I would like to request all workouts start out with DiCCS as developed by F3 Waxhaw. This is a regular start at all workouts of F3 The Frontier (New Providence.)”
Disclaimer – Is the disclaimer given before every F3 workout by the workout leader or site Q?
Cell Phone on your Body? Does at least one Pax have a cell phone with them during the workout?
CPR Certified? Does at least one Pax know CPR at each AO and preferably at each workout?
Site-Specific Safety? What else is/has your Region and AOs doing/done to ensure safety is prioritized and plans are in place?
Second F – Fellowship (sad clown no more)
Welcome FNGs
Welcome to F3
10 Steps for the New Guy in F3
At the Rising:
Apr 13: Charriot
Apr 13: Grisham
Apr 13: Backdraft
Apr 15: Grasshopper
Apr 20: BedPan
Apr 20: Canuck
Apr 20: HatTrick
May 4: Snake
May 6: Sureshot
May 18: Master Chef
May 18: Nimitz
May 25: Voicemail
June 1: SabreTooth
June 1: RedBull
June 6: J Brake
June 29: Redfin
July 6: Overdraft (Indervir Singh)
July 6: Clipper (Karanveer Singh)
July 6: On Deck From Pensacola FL
July 6: Here’s Johnny From Maryland
July 6: Bolt (Veronica – Styx 2.0)
July 27: Zelda
Aug 10: Wild Turkey
Sep 28: Striper
At The Swamp:
Feb 08: Newman (@Matt T)
Jul 18: Shepherd
At The Big House:
Apr 26: Pharaoh
Apr 26: Locke
May 4: Hollywood
May 4: Sherlock
June 19: Splinter
Jul 23: Chris
Sep 20: Happy Gilmore
Sep 27: Watergate
Oct 19: Wolfpack
Oct 23: Spoke Wrench
At The OAK:
Aug 8: Alchemy
Sep 5: La Vern
At the Ruck:
Jul 26: Themistocles
At the Cranbury Run:
Mar 12: Mercury @sondrejack
At the SOT:
Feb 22: Spine
Feb 22: Lightspeed
Apr 4: Tri-Tech
Aug 4: Hot 104
Sep 11: Cole (to be named)
OTB / Popup
May 23: The Cobbler (Burlington)
May 23: The Maestro (Burlington)
May 23: The Mentor (Burlington)
May 23: The Protector (Burlington)
May 23: John Deere (Burlington)
Aug 18: Crayola (Dad’s Camp)
Aug 18: Rookie (Dad’s Camp)
Aug 18: Doodle (Dad’s Camp)
Third F – Faith (something bigger than you)
1 in 5 US adults reports daily loneliness: Gallup
Thank you Zelda for sharing
Michael Easter on “The Power of Taking the Stairs”
F3 in the News and Media
Listen to ScarU crushing his interview on the COT Podcast
Read the full Article about F3 Nation and it’s impact on men’s lives and their communities in the Jan/Feb 2019 Men’s Health USA Magazine
Read the full Article about F3 Nation; A Workout Craze with a Side of Faith and how it is impacting the lives of men in suburban TX communities and around the Country.
Listen to the full episode about F3 Nation and how it’s impacting men’s lives across the globe as featured on the Order of Man Podcast
Listen to the full episode about F3 Nation’s origins, mission and what problems F3 is solving as featured on the Art of Manliness Podcast