Date: 3.14
QIC: Black Hole
PAX: (10) XX, BH, Brisket, Risky Business, Mountie, Red Stripe, Bones, Alamo, Cruiser, Scar
AO: The Rising
A π-Day workout on Einstein’s birthday. (He lived in Princeton 1933 until death in 1955.)
π is mathematical constant, defined as the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter. π is an irrational number, meaning that the decimal representation never ends and never settles into a repeating pattern. π and the F3 deck of cards were responsible for the WO.
10 #HIM posted as schools and companies started learning and working from home. Social distancing was practiced throughout. PAX learned the first 39 digits of π.
- 3 – Mosey (laps around the parking lot)
- 14 – Merkins
- 15 – Inclined Merkins
- 9 – SSH (IC)
- 26 – Mountie Climbers (IC)
- 5 – Karaoke (lengths of parking lot)
- 35 – Flutter (IC)
- 8 – Merkins
- 9 – Low, Slow Squat
- 7 – Backward Lunge (both legs = 1 rep)
- 9 – Lunge Walk (length of 9 parking spots, out and back)
- 32 – Rosalita (IC)
- 38 – Smurf Jacks
Mosey past other parking lot
- 46 – Monkey Humpers
- 26 – High Plank (PAX count off in circle)
- 4 – Carolina Dry Docks (IC)
- 33 – Wide-Arm Merkins
- 8 – Bear Crawl up Little Helmet, walk down
Butt Kickers to the outdoor fitness equipment
- 32 – Derkins
- 7 – Shoulder Taps
- 9 – Plank Jacks (IC)
Mosey on
- 50 – Arm Circles (half forward, half Circle Arms)
- 28 – Squats
- 8 – Freddie Mercuries (IC)
Mosey to complete the “circle”
- 4 – Bonnie Blairs (both legs = 1 rep)
- 19 – Boat Canoes
The workout ended with a Countarama, Namearama and a Circle of Trust with foot shakes. 5 #HIM continued the mumble chatter at the Grover’s Mill Coffeehouse & Roastery.
Stay safe and healthy out there in a world dominated by Covid19 news! F3 is here to help you stay strong by working out outdoors.
3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419 is legit.
Nice Q and post @F3Blackhole!!
It’s so cool (in a math nerd kind of way)!