From LEAP to LAUNCH – The One of A Kind (The OAK)

AO: backblasts
Q: Achilles Estavillo (SideOut/JabJab/Scorpion King)
PAX: Curtis Hoberman (Dos Equis), Matt Hopkins (Brisket), W. Jason Griffith F3 Risky Business, Bogey, Harjot Pannu (Cruiser), Sunny The Machine Sehgal, Marc Rubenstein (ScarU), Manish Bhansali (F3 – Aviator), Wayne Frost (Takedown), Uday Jain (WallE), Vijay Aluwalia (Four Seasons)
FNGs: None

Mosey Parking Lot
Motivator 5x
Potty John Chinook x10
Sun god x10
Reverse Sun god x10
Open Gate Wide Squat x10
Close Gate Squat x10
DC Stretches

The 12 Happy Pax came to play Royal Flush (Po-core (Poker)) beatdown. Followed by Leaps and moseys.

Thang1: 2 Rounds of Clubs Royal Flush – 29x each
Ace – Flutters
King – Am Hams
Queen – Freddie Mercury
Jack – Shoulder Taps
10 – Rosalita
Mosey Lot then repeat the cards

Thang2 – 5:
Start Line (SL) (2x) – Leap to cone 1 (29x) – Reverse to SL – Fwd mosey to cone 2 (24x) – 2/29/24 – only happens every 4 years. Why not take advantage of it – even though temp dropped from 60° to 28° (feel 19°) and windy.

SL – Super Mario
Cone1 – Plank Jacks
Cone2 – Cross Jacks

SL – JabJabKnee (JJK)
Cone1- LBC
Cone2 – Bonnie Blair

Mosey other side of parking lot

SL – Peter to Clark (Spidey to Superman) – new one
Cone1 – Bobby Hurley
Cone2 – Mike Tyson

SL – Reverse Lunge to High Knee
Cone1 – Rockette Floor Dips
Cone2 – Big Boi KO ( BBSU with 2Jabs)

Long mosey around the Senior Center parking lots

Sat, 3/2 – AC 1 yr Anniversary – 4-5 Pax going via clown car – post in Slack if wanting to go.
Sat, 4/13 – 5Yr Anniversary for F3Princeton – Preparation going on – post in Slack if willing to assist.

GRATEFUL & THANKFUL for F3Nation – F3Princeton – Curtis Hoberman (Dos Equis), Uday Jain (WallE), Vijay Aluwalia (Four Seasons) for starting #F3Princeton. Without them, maybe no F3 yet in NJ. See how much in 5 yrs, F3 NJ has grown and expanded. This is an AWESOME / AMAZING brotherhood. One of A Kind (OAK)!

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