
AO: ao-the-swamp Q: Patrick Chow (Black Hole) PAX: Hazmat – F3 Fort Bend, TX, Dustin Crosby (Kolisi), Switchblade (Jack C.), shepherd, Uday Jain (WallE), JM ROONEY (GROVER), David Sherry (Bucky) FNGs: None COUNT: 8 Conditions: 56 deg WARMUP: ArmCircles, AbeVigodas, squats THE THANG: Brenton Sandwich (see photo of whiteboard where we mistakenly modified the breadContinue reading “IPC-wk3-at-theSwamp-BrentonSandwich”


AO: ao-the-swamp Q: Patrick Chow (Black Hole) PAX: David Sherry (Bucky), Curtis Hoberman (Dos Equis) FNGs: None COUNT: 3 Conditions: 60 deg WARMUP: Abe Vigodas, Imperial walkers, and air squats THE THANG: Mid-Autumn festival (full moon) was a couple of days ago on 9/17 M – mountain climber 4c, IC x 20 I – ImperialContinue reading “MidAutumn-atTheSwamp-2024-09-19”

Women’s Equality Day at TheSwamp 2024-08-26

AO: ao-the-swamp Q: Patrick Chow (Black Hole) PAX: David Sherry (Bucky) FNGs: None COUNT: 2 Conditions: 62 deg and clear WARMUP: none THE THANG: 19 reps for each exercise representing the 19th Amendment giving women the right to vote W – windmills O – overhead claps M – merkins E – E2K N – newton’sContinue reading “Women’s Equality Day at TheSwamp 2024-08-26”

learning to count at the Swamp

AO: ao-the-swamp Q: Ryan K. (Scrubbing Bubbles) PAX: David Sherry (Bucky), Curtis Hoberman (Dos Equis) FNGs: None COUNT: 3 WARMUP: – SSH – ARM CIRCLE – Neck roll – Circle arms – Circle knees – Weed picker – Imperial walker – Mosey to playground THE THANG: Repeat of Alex (Spine) Englerts workout “learning to count”Continue reading “learning to count at the Swamp”

Swamp Smurph v1

AO: ao-the-swamp Q: Ryan K. (Scrubbing Bubbles) PAX: Patrick Chow (Black Hole), David Sherry (Bucky), JM ROONEY (GROVER) FNGs: None COUNT: 4 WARMUP: – arm circles / circle arms – abe vigoda – chinooks – weed pickers – mosey to playground – 5 motivators THE THANG: “The Smurph” – scaled down version of the MurphContinue reading “Swamp Smurph v1”

Olympics at TheSwamp 2024-07-29

AO: ao-the-swamp Q: Patrick Chow (Black Hole) PAX: framepaul, Curtis Hoberman (Dos Equis), David Sherry (Bucky), JM ROONEY (GROVER) FNGs: None COUNT: 5 Conditions: 67 deg WO designed by :sponge: :bubbles: WARMUP: (rep counts related to number 33 – it’s the 33r’d Olympiad) – SSH x 33 (single count) – circle arms x 11 –Continue reading “Olympics at TheSwamp 2024-07-29”


AO: ao-the-swamp Q: Patrick Chow (Black Hole) PAX: David Sherry (Bucky), Curtis Hoberman (Dos Equis) FNGs: None COUNT: 3 Conditions: 68 deg WARMUP: none THE THANG: 22/7 is π approximation day (from 2020 archives) 3 – laps around dropoff loop 14 – windmills 28 – motivators from 7 57 – lbc (singles) 14 – windmillsContinue reading “π-approximation-dayTheSwamp”


AO: ao-the-swamp Q: Patrick Chow (Black Hole) PAX: David Sherry (Bucky), JM ROONEY (GROVER), Marc Rubenstein (ScarU), Shepherd FNGs: 1 Shepherd COUNT: 5 Conditions: 71 deg and dry WARMUP: ArmCircles, CircleArms, AbeVigodas, IWSquats, Texan Motivators from 7 (7, 6, …, 2, 1, 7) THE THANG: Nelson Mandela International Day (his bday) – each person hasContinue reading “20240718-NELSON-MANDELA-atTheSwamp”

Moving up day at TheSwamp 06-13-2024

AO: ao-the-swamp Q: Patrick Chow (Black Hole) PAX: Curtis Hoberman (Dos Equis), David Sherry (Bucky), JM ROONEY (GROVER), Ryan K. (Scrubbing Bubbles) FNGs: None COUNT: 5 Conditions: 54 clear and Sunny WARMUP: Abe vigodas, IWs, ArmCircles and CircleArms THE THANG: Billy Madison (middle school edition) K- little baby crunches 1- side straddle hops 2- fluttersContinue reading “Moving up day at TheSwamp 06-13-2024”

The Planets, Bringers of Pain

AO: ao-the-swamp Q: Ryan K. (Scrubbing Bubbles) PAX: Patrick Chow (Black Hole), Uday Jain (WallE), Dustin Crosby (Kolisi), David Sherry (Bucky) FNGs: None COUNT: 5 WARMUP: – Arm circles – Imperial walkers – Circle Arms – Tippy Taps – Mosey to the playground in back THE THANG: Cycle through the following exercises, one in honorContinue reading “The Planets, Bringers of Pain”