Album cover photo: Intimate Big House Beatdown

AO: backblasts
Q: Uday Jain (WallE)
PAX: Dick Clark, Curtis Hoberman (Dos Equis)
FNGs: None

WARMUP: DC stretch
THE THANG: Mosey onto campus for Exicon routines:
Lunge worms: for 50 yards, lunch, two steps, inchworm Merkin, repeat.
Tammy Wynette: pair up, one person does 10 Merkens while the other person does 10 squats, in the same rhythm. Then switch for the next 10, switch back-and-forth up to 160 total. The squat guy is “standing by your man“
WASH: 50 wide Merkens, 100 American hammer, 150 step ups, 200 hip thrust.
Bridge over nest: par up, and move across a “bridge“ between two trees. Partner one starts crawling, partner two does 10 squat, 10 Merkin, 10 LBC, then sprints passed partner one, and when he gets back to him, switch roles.
Top gun: continuous cycle of 10 each: curls, row, overhead press, dead lift, squat.
MARY: none.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: next weekend is VO2 max at West Windsor Plainsboro high school south, and on Sunday night is Diwali at Munchies’s house.
COT: thankful for the brothers!

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