Jackpot 7-7-7

AO: backblasts
Q: Achilles Estavillo (SideOut/JabJab/Scorpion King)
PAX: Marc Rubenstein (ScarU), W. Jason Griffith F3 Risky Business, Vijay Aluwalia (Four Seasons), Matt Hopkins (Brisket), Srikanth Bondada (BabeRuth), Manish Bhansali (F3 – Aviator), Sunny The Machine Sehgal, Morpheus
FNGs: None

1 Lap lower parking lot
M. Phelp with Kickback x10
Reacher x10
Sun god x10
Reverse Sun god x10
Flying Nun Lunge x10
Reverse Flying Nun Lunge x10
Modified DC Stretch

7-7-7 is Jackpot to me. Some call it bring down “the wall of Jericho.”

7-Workout 7-reps 7-rounds of:

– Invisible Jump Rope – fwd/bkwd/dbl skip/dbl Dutch. :prayer_beads:
– Leaping Copperhead Squats – I heard some hissing. :snake:
– Monkey Humpers – do the Humpty Hump was sang! :camel:
– Scorpkin – Sting as you go down. :scorpion:
– BBSU with 2Jabs – Knock’em down Big Boi. :boxing_glove:
– Crab Toe Touch – Pax got crabby on me. :crab:
– (Miss) Burpees – you gotta love her or she’ll bite back! :heart:

10ic each
– Birth Canal
– Walnut Crackers
– Am Hams
– Scissor Kicks

– Book Club every Thursday night at 8pm start – chaps 9/10 tomorrow. See slack
– Monroe workout tomorrow, 2/22, @ 0530am. Q by Vijay Aluwalia (Four Seasons).
– With (ex) Nant’ans ok; soft launch for Monroe AO next Thursday, 2/29. Start time maybe 0600 to have more Pax but will discuss. More info will be posted in slack. Anniversary will be every 4yrs :wink:.
– Sat, Mar 2, AC 1 yr anniversary. Clown car? More info to be provided. See slack.
– Sat, April 13, F3Princeton 5yrs anniversary. More deets to come. See slack.
– Different 2nd F Runs. See slack.

Don’t suffer alone-Mentally, Physically, Emotionally, &/or Spiritually! F3Princeton brothers are here. Reach out for advice/help/informal cofF3eteria talk.

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